People with mental illness must receive the help they need wherever they live in Germany. As a scientific medical association the DGPPN works on many levels to ensure that the necessary framework conditions are in place.
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Not only should all service users have access to optimal, scientifically based and individualised medical and social support at any time and place, but they should also be able to participate in all spheres of life without being discriminated against.
More than 200 experts are active volunteers in the specialised groups and working groups. They look closely at all aspects of mental illness and address issues related to science, treatment, health policy, society and ethics. The DGPPN stands shoulder-to-shoulder with many partners to campaign for the joint interests of all sectors and disciplines within the field.
The DGPPN campaigns for quality-assured care of people with mental illness and represents the interests of patients and professionals towards politics and self-governing bodies. It maintains a close dialogue with health partners and actively participates in the further development of existing care structures. With its DGPPN certificates, the association has created a recognised label that stands for quality in care.
Membership in numerous national committees, expert groups and task forces
The DGPPN plays a central role in Germany in supporting research and scientific activities that lead to improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. These activities include the development of evidence-based guidelines and the acknowledgement of outstanding research with DGPPN awards. The international research community gathers at the association’s annual congress and discusses current research findings. The aim is to make the specialised knowledge available that health care experts need to provide optimal care to mentally ill people.
Statements on current research questions
Professional knowledge for clinical practice
Psychiatry and psychotherapy are constantly evolving. The DGPPN Academy for Further and Continuing Education helps professionals working in patient care to keep their knowledge current and up to date with the most recent findings from research and science. The range of topics includes the entire spectrum of mental illnesses and treatment options. The courses on offer are CME certified and designed by experienced experts
Network meeting in psychiatry
New impulses from research, care, politics and society: the high-quality science and education programme of the annual DGPPN congress offers a comprehensive overview of current developments in the field of psychiatry and psychotherapy – with practice-related knowledge for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The congress offers more than 600 individual events to the more than 9000 participants who attend every year
The face of the future
Our association needs young psychiatrists. With its initiative for young professionals, Generation PSY, the DGPPN works to support the future of psychiatry and psychotherapy. The initiative uses exciting stories and interesting facts to show how fascinating the job of a psychiatrist is. Special offerings provide concrete support for students and help with further education and professional practice. The initiative is supported by a team of highly motivated students and early career psychiatrists who are eager to pass on their enthusiasm for the profession.