Our association needs young psychiatrists

Generation PSY is the DGPPN initiative for young professionals that aims to stimulate young people’s interest in the field of psychiatry and psychotherapy. Many prejudices and stereotypes still surround the profession of psychiatry. Generation PSY is doing away with these preconceptions and showing that psychiatry is one of the most fascinating disciplines in medicine. 

The field is in desperate need of young talent in order to avoid serious gaps in care in the future. There is an urgent need for action because mental illness is one of the greatest health challenges facing Germany today and an ever-increasing number of people are seeking medical-therapeutic help. In certain regions, for example in the countryside, shortages are already becoming apparent. At the same time, more than half of all psychiatrists are between 50 and 65 years old or older. 

The DGPPN is therefore taking important steps for the future now. The programme previously called the “Young Academy” remains a recipe for success: a motivated team of medical students, junior doctors and specialists actively participates in the association’s work with young professionals and thus links the generations. The intensive exchange forms the foundation of the new initiative. Generation PSY is therefore a programme for young professionals from young professionals. It is aimed primarily at interested school pupils, medical students and junior doctors who can hardly wait to delve into the mystery of human beings.

The first port of call for young professionals: generation-psy.de

How and where do psychiatrists work? What illnesses do they treat and what treatment options are at their disposal? Answers to these and other questions about the profession can be found at generation-psy.de, the internet platform developed by the DGPPN and geared to the target group. Generation PSY provides not only information and digital networking but also knowledge transfer and contacts. Its concrete offers include, in particular, a special service package that is aligned with the various parts of the specialist training in psychiatry and psychotherapy. It includes summer schools, a mentoring programme and intensive courses to prepare for the specialists exam, for example, as well as a customised programme at the DGPPN congress. You can find all the information about what the initiative offers at generation-psy.de.


Your contact person

Slava Platikanova, M.A.
Congress Coordination and Young Professionals

Reinhardtstraße 29 I 10117 Berlin | Germany
Telefon: +49-30 2404772-13

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